Printed in The Enterprise, May, 1970.
The exact death date was not given, as well as the publishing DAY of the newspaper article.
In order to enter this obituary online, a fictitious death day (May 1) was used.
Ernest A. Tornblad, a long-time resident of Blair, died at Crowell Memorial Home early Thursday morning. He had been a resident of the Home since the death of his wife a year ago.
Mr. Tornblad was 71 years of age, having been born in Copenhagen, Denmark, March 3, 1899. He came to Blair years ago and he and Mrs. Tornblad lived at Seventeenth and Colfax Streets for many years. The couple had no children.
As a younger man, Mr. Tornblad was employed in several Blair stores as a clerk. Later, he sold insurance but for a number of years he was a toll taker at the Blair Bridge.
He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Axle Schmidt, who also resides at the Crowell Home. There are two nieces in this area. They are Mrs. John Bowland of Tekamah, and Mrs. Alene Nielsen of Omaha.
He was a long-time and faithful member of the First Baptist Church. He also held an active interest in Masonry, being a member of Washington Lodge No. 21, of Blair and a member of the Order of Eastern Star, McKinley Chapter.
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the First Baptist Church with the Rev. John Bauserman conducting the service. Burial was made in the Craig, Nebraska Cemetery under the direction of the Bendorf Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were co-workers and close friends of the deceased: Robert McMillan, J. Emery Nelson, Willard Warrick, Clyde Sappenfield, Mark Claridge and Lynn Armstrong.