Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper articles was used. Published in The Pilot, August 16th, 1911.
Two newspaper articles
Mrs. Nels Truhlsen died at the family home in this city last Wednesday evening at 9:20 after having suffered for a long period of time with a cancer. Deceased was 59 years, 10 months and 7 days old.
Mrs. Truhlsen had been afflicted with a cancer for several years, but it was not until after she had been operated on in the hope of removing the cause that her condition became critical. After the operation the wound failed to heal and continually grew more aggravated until death came to her relief.
Deceased was born in Fredrichsholm, Schleswig, Germany, on the 2nd of October, 1851, and was married to Neils Truhlsen on the 22nd of September, 1872, coming to America with her husband two years later and settling on a farm near Calhoun. To this union six children were born, one having died a number of years ago. Besides a husband, there are left Peter, who lives north of Blair; Christian and Henry of Herman; Mrs. Anna Jensen of this city; and Mrs. Frank Siert, who lives west of Blair.
The funeral services were held at the German Lutheran church last Saturday, Rev. Eckhardt speaking in the German language and Rev. J. D. Wein of Orum, officiating in the English language.
Mrs. Truhlsen was an ideal wife, a kind and good mother, and her death will be a distinct loss to all who enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintance. She was a patient sufferer and although she fully realized that death was only a matter of a short time, she bore her misery with a patient suffering that was all but sublime. ---- The Democrat.
# 2 - - from The Tribune, August 16, 1911
After being a sufferer for many years with that dread disease, cancer, the Death Angel called at the home of Mr. Niels Truhlsen at 9:20 last Wednesday evening and relieved the tired body of his loving wife, Margauriete, from all earthly pain, which since last September has been almost a torture. Mrs. Truhlsen had been a victim of the disease for several years, but her condition did not become serious until last September, at which time she was made helpless, and all that medical skill could do proved of no avail and she steadily grew worse. In February of this year, Dr. Lord of Omaha performed an operation on the suffering lady, but at the time he informed the husband that there were no hopes of her recovery, that the disease had gained such headway that to check it then was an impossibility.
This fact, however, was kept from her, but several weeks before she passed away, she realized that the end was inevitable and oftimes expressed her willingness to go and when at last her eyes closed in death, it was with a sigh of relief that her loved ones commended her soul to the One who said, "Come unto Me, all ye that are weak and heavy laden, and I will give you rest," because no earthly power could alleviate her pain and suffering. All the members of her immediate family were present during the last moments except a daughter, Mrs. Hans Jensen, whose week-old daughter prevented her coming, but as her mother was unconscious two days before her death she would not have been recognized had she came.
Marguerite Hansen was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, October 2, 1851, the daughter of good old German stock, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen, now living in Sheridan county, this state. In 1872 she was married to Niels Truhlsen and two years later came to America, coming direct to Washington county, making their home at Ft. Calhoun, where Mr. Truhlsen worked as a farm laborer for five years, after which they removed to Blair, where they have since resided and became prosperous and highly respected citizens. To this family six children were born, five of whom are living in Washington county and are Peter, Chris and Henry, the sons, and Mrs. Annie Jensen and Mrs. Lena Siert, the daughters.
Short services were held Saturday afternoon 1:00 o'clock at the home on Lincoln street, the German minister, Rev. Mr. Eckhart, speaking many words of praise of the life of the estimable lady over whose mortal remains friends had gathered to pay homage. Church services were held one hour later from the German Lutheran church and was attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends who showed their devout respect for the departed by their presence at the last sad rites.
The body was buried in Blair cemetery and among the relatives who were present when the remains were lowered in the grave were the aged parents, both over 80 years old, who had come from Sheridan county when they learned of her death.