Note: portrait
#1 Printed in the June 7, 1911 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska
Farnsworth, T. H.
The news of the death of T. H. Farnsworth, which occurred in a hospital at Sioux City at an early Sunday morning, brought genuine sorrow to many homes in Blair where the old veteran and sea captain, the Washington County pioneer and citizen endowed with the elements of true brotherhood, was highly esteemed and beloved by all.
A few days prior to his death, the Sioux City papers announced the approaching celebration of his 95th birthday, to occur Saturday, June 3rd, noting his illness but claiming he was growing stronger every day and would be strong enough to withstand the worry and excitement of the occasion, but sad to relate, death occurred soon after he had passed the 95 milestone.
Deceased was born at Joneboro, ME., and came west in 1869, settling on a farm near where Telabasta now stands, later moving to Blair and residing in the county more than thirty years, removing to Sioux City where Mrs. Farnsworth died soon after.
He was the oldest member of General Hancock Post G.A.R. of that city. He was the fourth man to enlist in the Fourth Maine Infantry, April 15th, 1861, and was wounded in the battle of Bull Run where ground was strewn with the heroic dead of both the blue and the gray. He also served as a sea captain both before and after the war, his first born, a son, being drowned at sea.
Six children are now living, the oldest being Mrs. W. L. Hall, of this city, now 66 years of age, E. T. Farnsworth is an attorney at Omaha, W. H. Farnsworth, attorney at Sioux City, F. W. Farnsworth lives on a farm near Gregory, S.D. and Geo. R. resides in Rockport, ME., while a daughter, Mrs. Eager, lives in Lincoln, Neb.
On his birthday Saturday four generations of his family were living, a great-grandson, John Lull, Jr., is 9 years of age and his father is proprietor of the Alexandria Hotel in Chicago.
Mr. Farnsworth’s ancestors were soldiers in the American Revolutionary War. His father lived to be over 90 years of age. He was a kindly old gentleman, and frequently visited Blair where his genial smile, his hearty hand-shake brought cheer to many hearts and revived pleasant old time memories. During the past few years he has made his home with his son in Sioux City. Ms. Hall left Tuesday morning to be present at the funeral which took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was by the side of his wife at that place.
#2 Printed in the June 7, 1911 Tribune, Blair, Nebraska
Pioneer Departed
T. H. Farnsworth, an Early of Blair, Died at Sioux City Sunday
Word was received in this city Sunday of the death of T. H. Farnsworth of Sioux City, who only the day before celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday.
T. H. Farnsworth of Sioux City celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday anniversary June 3. He was the father of Attorney E. T. Farnsworth of Omaha and was one of the oldest members of General Hancock Post, G.A.R.
He came from Maine in 1869 to a homestead near this city, where he lived 30 years.
He was the fourth man to enlist in the Fourth Maine Infantry, April 15, 1861, at Lockland, Maine. Mr. Farnsworth was in the battle of Bull Run, where he was wounded. He was born at Jonesboro, Maine. He served as a sea captain before and after the war and said he owned his longevity to outdoor habits.
He was living with a son, W. H. Farnsworth, at Sioux City, where he died.
The oldest child is a daughter, Mrs. W. L. Hall, 65 years of age, and now living at Blair. There were four generations of this family alive. A great-grandson of this nonagenarian is John Lull, Jr., nine years of age, and whose father is proprietor of the Alexandria Hotel in Chicago. His ancestors were soldiers in the American Revolutionary Army.
Mr. Farnsworth’s father lived to be more than 90 years of age. He has six children alive. The oldest boy was drowned at sea.
Mr. Farnsworth lived in this city for many years and was at that time one of our most prominent men. Two of his sons practiced law here and a third was proprietor of a grocery for several years. Mr. Farnsworth was a man well-loved by all who knew him and the world is better because of his having lived in it. Many friends in and about Blair, where he live so long, mourn his death.
#3 Printed in the June 8, 1911 Democrat/Courier Blair, Nebraska
Dies At Ninety-Five
At the ripe old age of 95 years, Theodore Farnsworth, a former resident of the city and well-known to a great many of the older residents of this community, died at the home of his son, W. H., in Sioux City last Sunday morning.
On the day previous to his death, Mr. Farnsworth passed the ninety-fifth milestone in life’s journey, and it was only a few weeks ago that we publish an item about him stating that he was occupying his time in putting in a garden at his son’s home.
Mr. Farnsworth was a sailor by occupation and was a captain of a vessel plying on the Atlantic Ocean. He had been around the world several times and his fund of stories was replete with many experiences, and while it was not often that one could get him to tell of his life at sea, yet when he did get started his hearers were sure of a treat.
He leaves six children, four sons and two daughters, as follows: E. F., of Omaha, W. H., of Sioux City, F. W., of Gregory County, So. Dak., G. R. of Rockport, Maine, Mrs. R. Hall, of Blair, and Mrs. Eager of Lincoln.
Mrs. Hall left Monday for Sioux City to attend the funeral.
~~~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair, Nebraska library.~~~~