Obituary Record

Sophia (Krae) (Crow) Achilles
Died on 12/25/1915
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Pilot 29 Dec 1915

Another Pioneer, Mrs. C. Achilles, Gone To Join Her Partner of 62 Years

Death Came to Her at 7:30 on the Evening of Christmas Day. She Was Over 86 Years Old

(Photo of husband; Died March 19, 1913)

(Photo; Died Dec. 25, 1915)

Mrs. C. Achilles passed peacefully over the river of death at 7:30 on the evening of Christmas day, glad to be free to join her partner of 62 years, whose death occurred March 19th, 1913, when over 89 years of age.

She was taken sick with grip about three weeks before her death, and on account of her extreme age she was unable to throw it off. She was conscious up until almost to the last moment. When Mrs. C. O. Timpe came in from Fremont at about 5 o’clock Mrs. Achilles asked her where Charley, (her husband,) was. Mrs. T. jokingly said: “Oh, you know we have separated.” She replied with a characteristic wave of the hand, “Bad girl.”

Her last words were to Mrs. Wainwright only a few minutes before death came. Dissolution was upon her and her throat was already partially paralyzed by the hand of Death, when she said: “Oh, Mrs. Wainwright, what is this? It doesn’t seem as though I can stand it much longer?” She was given a hypodermic injection and the end came in perfect peace.

The funeral was held at the house, on west Colfax street, at 3:30 Monday afternoon, Dec. 27th, 1915, Rev. J. M. Kokjer, officiating. The pallbearers were: A. C. Jones, Chas. Ross, Andrew Jones, Geo. B. Riker, Emmett Bolt and Judge I. C. Eller.

Relatives present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Timpe and three sons, Carl, Conrad and Sommers, of Fremont, Mrs. Dora Ludwig, of Arlington, Miss Ruth Parks, of Denmark, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams came up from Omaha to attend the funeral.

The following obituary was prepared by her pastor, Rev. J. M. Kokjer, of the Congregational church:

Sophie Krae (Crow) was born in Brunswick, Germany, on August 20th 1829. She came to the United States in 1849, after a long and stormy journey across the sea, and resided at Denmark, Ia., where in 1851 she was married to Conrad C. Achilles.

They moved to Nebraska by ox team, in 1857, and, with others, settled at Fontanelle among the Indians, whose chief bore the name given to the village. There they lived and farmed until 1883, when they moved to Blair. Here in a neat cottage home on west Colfax St. they enjoyed life together until March 19th, 1913 when Mr. Achilles left the cottage for mansions beyond.

Mrs. Achilles bore with Christian fortitude, and varied health, this bereavement, but with constant, lonesome longing she desired to join her life long companion and be with their common Master. Bright, keen and conscious to the very last, after a short illness, her prayers were answered on Christmas day about 7:30 p.m.

No children were born to the union but other children graced the home and shared the family life, of whom Miss Emma Timpe is best known as filling a daughter’s place in farm and city home, with constant care, especially during the last years.

Only distant relatives were left to mourn the loss, but a host of friends and neighbors will miss “Auntie” Achilles on west Colfax St. because of her open door, her bright repartee and sturdy Christian faith.

Christened in childhood by the German Lutheran church and later confirmed in the same faith she gained knowledge and strength as a Christian. With her husband she united with the Congregational church while living at Denmark, Ia., transferring to Fontanelle and later to Blair she enjoyed the Congregational fellowship with pioneer pastors of both states. Father (Asa) Turner and Rev. Reuben Gaylord became household names and remained so to the very last.

A fine memorial window in the church of their choice will long keep fresh in Blair the worthy memory of Mr. and Mrs. C. Achilles.

What need we say when life is spent In ripening years?

No kindred left, but host of friends To shed the tears,

When faith is strong and hope secure, The bonds of fellowship endure,

And life beyond the vail is sure.

We, too, will pray for guidance here, Along life’s way,

We, too, will long for loved ones near, Kind words to say,

Thus cheer us in the closing year, When earth recede and heaven appear, Some other Christmas day.

Another obituary:

Mrs. C. C. Achilles Gone

Mrs. C. C. Achilles, eighty six years old, a pioneer settler of this county, passed away at her home on West Colfax street, Christmas evening at half past seven.

Mrs. Achilles was born Aug. 20, 1829 in Brunswick, Germany as was also her husband, now deceased, and came to this country in 1849 at the age of twenty, in company with Mr. Achilles and his sister, Mrs. Sandvas. She was married to Mr. Achilles in 1851 and they lived in Denmark, Ia., for a few years before coming to Nebraska in 1857. On coming to this state they drove with an ox team directly to Fontanelle and located on a farm where they lived until 1883 when they built the home on Colfax street in Blair and moved here to spend the rest of their lives. There were no children born to this union, but the home was not childless as they raised two little girls to womanhood. The first, Nellie Achilles Thompson, they took into their home at the age of two years, the first white child born in Fontanelle, and she lived with them until her marriage, at the age of twenty. She now resides in Terrel, Texas. Her sister, now Mrs. Dudley Perkins was raised by Deacon Corliss and wife and lives at Carleton, Oregon. The other child taken into their hearts and home was Miss Emma Timpe who has lived with them since 1882, and who has done all that a daughter could do for them in their declining years.

Mr. Achilles died March 19, 1913 and it has been the wish of Mrs. Achilles to be with him at the Christmas season.

The funeral services were held on Monday afternoon, Dec. 27, at 3:30 from the home, Rev. Kokjer, of the Congregational church, of which they were both members, officiating.

"Auntie Achilles", as she is best known to her friends, leaves no relatives to mourn her departure, but her friends will miss the pleasant hours spent in her home listening to old pioneer history as only a pioneer can tell it, and her kindly Christian character will be always a happy memory to us all.

Enterprise 31 Dec 1915

Mrs. Achilles Is Called

The anticipated death of Mrs. C. Achilles occurred on Christmas day at 7:30 p.m.; and if the precepts of Christianity are to be accepted literally there was much rejoicing in heaven when her spirit entered there. Her husband died in March 1913 and it has since been her constant desire to join him, as she unfalteringly believed she should do, in that other and better world. Unselfish devotion to each other and Christianity in its fullest definition was exemplified in the daily living of this beloved couple; their lives and example was an inspiration, to those who were so fortunate as to associate with them, to the attainment of loftier purposes, cleaner living and purer motives. As I am penning these lines I fancy that I can see tears glistening in the eyes and dropping from the lids of their old neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Perkins, as also John T. Bell, when they read the announcement of the death of this sainted woman, whom they knew so well and loved so dearly. “Christie” Achilles, as he was fondly known by all of his neighbors, and his wife came from Germany, where they were born, in 1948 to the little village of Denmark, Iowa, where they were married in 1851, subsequently in 1857, coming to Nebraska, with an ox team and locating on land near Fontenelle where they lived until 1883 when they moved to Blair.

The funeral was held at the late home, Rev. J. M. Kokjer, pastor of the Congregational church, preaching the funeral service with interment by the side of her husband in Blair cemetery.

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 12/29/1915