Obituary Record

Niels X. Christiansen
Died on 4/15/1924


Published in the Enterprise April 17, 1924

Niels X. Christiansen, aged 81 years, 6 months and 7 days, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Theo. Williamsen of near Spiker on Tuesday.

Mr. Christiansen came to this country fifty nine years ago and settled in Chicago where he lived for a year then moved west of Omaha remaining there for seven years.

He then came to this county where he purchased a farm up near Spiker and on this farm he lived until a few years ago when he sold the old home and moved to Blair.

Mrs. Christiansen passed on before eleven years ago and for a time he continued his farming operations but it was not the same without his wife so he gave it up and moved to Blair. Here he lived for a time but ill health caused him to go to the home of his daughter where he has had every care that loving hands could bestow.

Mr. Christiansen was a man of kindly disposition and was just and upright in all his dealings and has the highest respect and esteem of a circle of friends who have know him for years.

Besides an aged brother residing in Omaha he leaves twelve children, six sons and six daughters mourn him. The children are Henry and Fred of near Spiker, Laurence of Omaha, Mrs. Nellie Larsen of Arlington, Mrs. Gertie Fredericksen of Clayton, New Mexico, George of Hartington, Mrs. Lucy Larsen of Telbasta, Mrs. Nora Clausen of Harrington, Mrs. Stella Williamsen of Spiker, Mrs. James Mose of Blair, Chris of Akron, Colorado and Walter of Blair.

The funeral services will be held Friday, at 2 P.M. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Williamsen and later at the Orum church, an edifice which Mr. Christiansen built and later interment will be made in the Orum Cemetery.

Rev. Reinertsen of Orum and Rev. Nielsen of Blair will officiate.

# 2 - - published in the Pilot on April 16, 1924. The headline of this article spelled the first name Nels.

Neils X. Christiansen, father of Walter Christiansen and of Mrs. James Mose, of this city, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Theo. Williamsen, of the Spiker neighborhood, yesterday at the ripe old age of 81 years, 6 months and 7 days, having been born in Snode, Langeland, Denmark, October 8th, 1842. The funeral will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran church at Orum, Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. P. J. Reinertsen officiating. Burial will be in the cemetery near the church.

Mr. Christiansen came to this country 59 years ago, living one year in Chicago, seven years in Omaha, then settling on a farm a mile east of Spiker, where he lived until some eight years ago. His wife died eleven years ago and he lived with his son, Chris, on the old farm for three years. When his youngest son, Walter, was married he went to make his home with them, going out to the Williamson’s last October.

He is survived by twelve children. Herman and Fred, of Spiker, Lawrence, of Omaha, Mrs. Soren Larsen, of Arlington, Mrs. P. W. Frederickson, of Clayton, N. M., George, and Mrs. Axel Larsen, of Arlington, Mrs. Walter Clausen, of Harrington, Neb., Mrs. Theo. Williamson, of Spiker, Mrs. James Mose, of this city, Charles of Otis, Colo., and Walter, of this city. One brother Fred lives in Omaha.