#1-Pilot Tribune 30 Jan 1941
Frank Loftis Of Herman Is Dead
Tentative Arrangements Are For Services Friday For Farmer, 60
Frank Loftis, 60, farmer living near Herman, died yesterday at his home after being in failing health the past several months.
Tentative plans are for funeral services to be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Herman Baptist church, the Rev. T. J. Rese of Jefferson, Iowa, officiating. Interment will be in Blair cemetery. Pallbearers will be six nephews: Clark, Marion, Floyd and Leonard Loftis, Mark McConnaha and Clayton Anthony.
Mr. Loftis was born January 18, 1881, in the Vacoma vicinity west of Herman, and spent his entire life in northern Washington county and in Burt county.
He moved to the New England neighborhood as a boy. On February 18, 1903, he was married to Miss Lillian Fletcher.
His wife survives, as do the following: one daughter, Mrs. Louis Hovendick (Viola) of Tekamah; one son Wayne Loftis, at home; two grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Nancy McConnaha, Mrs. Minnie Anthony and Mrs. Edith Larsen, all of Blair; and Miss Olive Loftis, Omaha; and two brothers, Bert Loftis of Craig and John Loftis, Tekamah.
#2-6 Feb., 1941 - The Enterprise
Funeral services for Frank Loftis, 60 year old Herman farmer, were held at the Herman Baptist church at 2 o’clock Friday; Rev. T. J. Reese of Jefferson, Iowa officiated. Pallbearers were Clark, Marion, Floyd and Leonard Loftis, Mark McConnaha, and Clayton Anthony, all nephews of the deceased. Interment was made in the Blair cemetery.
Mr. Loftis spent his entire life in Washington and Burt counties, having been born in the Vacoma vicinity on January 18, 1881. He moved to the New England community as a boy and there he was married to Miss Lillian Fletcher February 18, 1903.
Survivors include the widow; one daughter, Mrs. Louis Hovendick of Tekamah; one son, Wayne at home; two grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Nancy McConnaha, Mrs. Minnie Anthony and Mrs.Edith Larsen of Blair and Miss Olive Loftis of Omaha and two brothers, Bert of Craig and John of Tekamah.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~