Obituary Record

Andrew D. Sorensen
Died on 8/6/1970
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

Published in Pilot-Tribune, August 10. 1970


Andrew D. Sorensen, a farmer of the Kennard vicinity all of his life, died at Memorial Community Hospital in Blair last Thursday, August 6th.

Mr. Sorensen was born at Kennard, January 13, 1902 and was 68 years of age at the time of his death. He grew up and went to school in the Kennard area and spent his entire lifetime there.

He is survived by his wife, Faye. There are no children. Two brothers, Ola Sorensen and Lester Sorensen both reside in the Kennard area and a sister, May, who is now Mrs. Carl Lund, lives at Fremont.

Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Emmaus Lutheran Church at Kennard. The Rev. Arden Dorn conducted the service and burial was made in the Kennard Cemetery under the direction of the Bendorf Funeral Home.

Pall Bearers were Lloyd Jacob, Ernest H. Jensen, Howard Williamsen, Howard Misfeldt, Alfred Nielsen and Robert Wilkins.

Note: Buried in Blk 7 Lt 7 Sp 6

Printed in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune on 8/10/1970