Published in The Tribune, November 1, 1916
Mr. Hans Staben, who has been sick for the last four months and bedfast for the last three months, gradually failing all this time, suffering much with tumor of the stomach, died at his home in Herman Monday, Oct. 23, at the age of 76 years, 5 months and 3 days.
Mr. Staben was born in Holstein, Germany, May 19, 1840 and came to America in 1866, settling in Ft. Calhoun. He has lived in Washington Co. for the last fifty years, excepting 5 years when he was in Wayne Co., Neb.
In 1867 he married Greagen Rohwer in Calhoun. To this union 7 children were born, 4 of whom are living; George, living at Blair; Mrs. Lena Thiefoldt of Vacoma, Neb.; John at Randolph, Neb.; and Chris, who made his home with his father in Herman.
Mrs. Staben died in Feb. 1913. Besides the 4 children living, Mr. Staben leaves 8 grandchildren and 1 brother, Chris of Calhoun.
Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday forenoon at 9 o’clock, Rev. Bowen officiating and after which the remains were taken to Calhoun, Neb., for interment. The relatives have the sympathy of their many friends in this, their sad bereavement.