Published in The Enterprise, November 16, 1933
Peter C. Sorensen, well known farmer and old settler of near Kennard, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elmer Lund of Kennard on last Thursday morning following an illness from which he has suffered since last spring.
Deceased was born January 26, 1862 in Albor, Denmark, and came to this country in 1882. He was married to Emily Anderson, March 7, 1889, and shortly after the marriage moved to the old home farm where he lived for forty years.
To Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen ten children were born: Soren, of Tekamah; Niels of Kennard; Mrs. Elmer Lund of Kennard; Mrs. Carl Lund of Fremont; Clarence of Wayne; and Albert, Andrew, Ola and Lester at home. Frank died July 1928.
The wife passed away in 1913 but the husband continued to farm and up until a short time back, made the old home his place of abode.
He was a member of the Lutheran Church, having been confirmed before leaving the mother country and he has in all these years lived up to the teachings of his church and established for himself a reputation for integrity and honesty that will be remembered as an example of the highest ideal and entirely worthy of emulating.
Besides the immediate family he leaves four grandchildren and a host of friends to mourn his death. The funeral services were held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elmer Lund in Kennard on __ o'clock and at 2 o'clock from the Danish Lutheran church with last Sunday afternoon at 1:30 Rev. Booker officiating and interment was made in the Kennard Cemetery.
CARD OF THANKS - Through this means we wish to thank those who assisted us so kindly during our bereavement following the loss of our beloved father, Petter C. Sorensen. We desire to thank those who gave us words of sympathy, those who sent floral tributes and the minister and the singers. The Children
(Perhaps his family called him "Petter." Typed as printed in the newspaper.)
Note: Buried in Blk 6 Lt 24 Sp 4 |