Obituary Record

Dorretta (Albrecht) Arndt
Died on 2/5/1911


Mrs. B. Arndt died at her home in Blair, Sunday, Feb. 5, 1911, after an illness of two days. She was taken down with lagrippe, which settled in her brain. Dorretta Albrecht was born in Hildesheim, Hanover, Germany, March 15, 1820. She was married to Bernhardt Arndt, Aug. 12, 1851, coming direct to America, leaving Aug.15, 1851, going to Cincinnatti, Ohio, where they resided until 1871 when they came to Blair, where she has since resided. Had she lived till this summer, she and Mr. Arndt would have celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Though she was eighty-two years old, Mrs. Arndt had been real strong and only last summer visited her daughter, Mrs. Londelius in Chicago for some time. She was the mother of eight children, four of whom with her husband survive her. The children are F.W. Arndt and Mrs. John Schmahling of this city; Mrs. Fred Michael of Tekamah and Mrs. M.C. Londelius of Chicago. The funeral was held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the home of her daughter Mrs. Schmahling, Rev. Eckhardt conducting the services.

From The Pilot, Feb. 8, 1911

Mrs. B. Arndt died at 5:20 Saturday morning, having been sick with grip since Monday. She had been afflicted with asthma for a number of years and was unable to withstand the weakening effect of the grip. The funeral was held at the John Schmahling home at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, Rev. E. Eckhardt and REv. Wein officiating. Miss Doretta Albrecht was born in Hildesheim, Hanover, Germany, March 15, 1829, and had she lived until that date would have been 82 years of age. She was married to Bernhardt Arndt Aug. 12, 1851 and left for America three days later. They settled first at Cincinnati, Ohio, coming to Blair in 1871, which ahs since been their home. She is survived by her husband and four children, F.W. Arndt and Mrs. John Schmahling, of this city; Mrs. Fred Michael, of Tekamah; and Mrs. M.C. Londelius, of Chicago, all of whom were present at the funeral. Also Mrs. John Sas of Winner, S.D., a granddaughter, and Mrs. Corbin, of Tekamah. She leaves sixteen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

From Blair Democrat, February 9, 1911


Mrs. B. Arndt died at her home in this city last Saturday morning, after a short illness, and the funeral was held Tuesday from the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Schmahling, Rev. Eckhardt officiating.

Dorretta Albrecht was born March 15, 1829, in Hildesheim, Hanover, Germany, and was married to Bernhard Arndt August 12, 1851, sailing with her husband for America three days later and going direct to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they lived until 1871, when they came to this city, where Mr. Arndt conducted a cigar factory for a long term of years. Had Mrs. Arndt lived until the 15th of next month, she would have been 82 years of age.

Besides the aged husband, there are left to mourn her death, F.W. Arndt and Mrs. John Schmahling of this city; Mrs. M.C. Londelius, of Chicago; and Mrs. Fred Michael, of Tekamah, sixteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Printed in the Tribune on 2/8/1911