Sorensen, Alma 6/9/1912
Obituary 1: Printed in the Wednesday, June 12, 1912 Tribune, Blair, Nebraska
The funeral of Alma Sorensen, age 20 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Sorensen, occurred Monday at 1 o’clock, at the home in Dexterville. The remains were taken to Staplehurst, Neb. for burial.
Obituary 2: Printed in the Wednesday, June 12, 1912 Pilot, Blair, Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Sorenson, who live over in Dexterville, lost their little daughter, Alma, aged 20 months, Sunday morning of broncho-pneumonia, which followed a severe attack of whooping cough. The funeral was held at the house at 1 o’clock Monday and the body was taken to Maplehurst, Nebr., for burial. Mr. Sorensen has been a student in Trinity Seminary for the past two years.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~
FindaGrave memorial # 143309238
Note: one obituary says the burial was in Staplehurst; the other in Maplehurst, Neb. There is a Staplehurst, Nebraska, with several Lutheran cemeteries. There is no Maplehurst.Note: I couldn’t find a Dexterville, Nebraska but in the July, 1876 History of Washington County, Nebraska (reprinted by the Washington County Historical Society, with index, in August, 1985) there was an advertisement for a general store owned by O.V. Palmer & Co, located in "Dexter's Block" in Blair. Many of the buildings of that time had apartments for rent above, and the couple may have been living in "Dexterville" within Blair, Nebraska, about a mile from the Danish Lutheran Seminary at Dana College. Note:According to Jill Hennick, the director of the Danish American Archives, the Dana College Seminary listed a P.C. Sorensen as a student in the seminary in the 1911-1912 student catalog. It was an “e” and the “o” had a Danish slash through it. In the various Staplehurst cemeteries, only one had Sorensens (according to their tombstones), and it was a Lutheran cemetery.