Since the exact death date was not given, the date of a newspaper article was used. Published in The Tribune, June 20, 1918
Albert Stevens died at his home in this city at an early hour Wednesday morning after an illness of several years duration. He was born in Pittsfield, Ill., Sept. 30, 1852, and was nearly 66 years of age at the time of his death. He was married April 14, 1882 to Miss Mary E. Gochenour, at Warrensburg, Mo. They had lived in Peru, and also in Montana, and then came to Blair, where they have since resided. Besides the wife, he leaves an adopted daughter, Mrs. W. A. Smith. Joe Gochenour, deceased, was a brother of Mrs. Stevens, and the Mesdames O. M. Ireland, Gilbert Hines, Grant Garner and Lou Latta, all of this city, are half sisters of Mrs. Stevens. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the Baptist church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Foreman, and burial was made in the Blair cemetery.
# 2 - - from The Enterprise, June 21, 1918
Albert Stevens, aged 65 years, died at his home on the North side last Wednesday. Deceased had been an invalid for several years. His wife, a sister to the late Joe Gochenour and half sister to Mesdames Lou Latta, Grant Garner, Gilbert Hines and O. M. Ireland, of this city, and an adopted daughter survive. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the Baptist church.