Tribune 12 April 1928
Mrs. George Knecht Dies After Illness of Short Duration
Mrs. George Knecht died last Monday evening at her home north of Arlington following an illness of but a few days duration. The deceased was born near Arlington November 15, 1870, and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Hilgenkamp, pioneer residents of Washington county. She was educated in the public schools and was married to George Knecht to which union nine children were born, all of whom survive.
She leaves to mourn her loss besides her bereaved husband, four sons, Henry, Walter, Paul and Otto, all of Arlington; five daughters, Mrs. Martha Hokamp and the Misses Anna, Elsie and Louise, also of Arlington; and Mrs. Mary Echtenkamp of Wayne. Funeral services were conducted from the Brown Creek church last Thursday with the Rev. G. W. Walter, officiating after which burial was made in the cemetery near the church.
*Information from God’s Acre “Find A Grave” site. Knecht, Anna F. (Hilgenkamp) born: 15 Nov 1870; died: 2 Apr 1928.
Brown Creek church was later known as St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~