Published in Enterprise on 4 September 1969
Leslie R. Offen, a resident of Blair for many years, a World War I veteran, and a long-time postal employee, died at his home in Blair last Sunday, August 31st. He was 77 years old.
He was born on Christmas Day, December 25th, 1891, at Spencer, Iowa. He came to Blair as a young man and has made this his home ever since.
He served in World War I and for many years, after the end of the war, was very active in the American Legion and other patriotic organizations. He was a member of the Legion Firing Squad and always took part in parades, ceremonies and salutes of a patriotic nature.
He is survived by his wife, Olga and by a daughter Marguerite who is Mrs. Willis Horn, of Omaha. There were no other children.
Funeral services were held at the Bendorf Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon with the Rev. Richard Atherson conducting the service. Burial was made in the Blair Cemetery with a military escort carrying out a military ceremony at the graveside.
Pall Bearers were Robert McMillan, Claar Millrons, Everett Lamb, Floyd Taylor, Calle Hansen and Floyd Wilbur.