Obituary Record

Millard (Army) Peck
Died on 11/7/1943
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Millard Peck Buried Here

Herman Boy Killed In Italy In 1943 Just Before 20th Birthday

Rites were held at the American Legion Hall in Herman Sunday afternoon for Millard D. Peck, Herman youth who was killed in action in Italy in 1943, just two days before his 20th birthday. The Rev. Robert Wigert, Methodist Minister, officiated. Burial was in Blair Cemetery under direction of the Truhlsen Funeral Home of Herman. The Herman Firing Squad officiated and taps were sounded.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck, the youth was born on the Peck farm near Pleasant View School, November 9, 1923. There he grew to young manhood and attended Pleasant View School. He later moved with his parents to a farm west of Herman, where he remained until inducted into the Armed Services on March 26, 1943.

Member of Company B, 29th Replacement Battalion, Third Infantry Division, he was overseas only a short time before he was killed. His last letter to his parents came from Italy, and stated he expected to be called to the front any time but added, “Don’t worry. I’m not afraid.” Surviving are the parents, one brother William Peck, of west of Herman, two sisters, Nellie at home, and Lela, of Artesia, California.

Note: Buried in Blair Cemetery Blk 100 Lot 10 Gr 66. Born 9 Nov 1923; died 7 Nov 1943; buried 25 Sept 1948; age 19.

Article Sept 1948


Millard Peck Buried Here

Herman Boy Killed In Italy In 1943 Just Before 20th Birthday

Rites were held at the American Legion Hall in Herman Sunday afternoon for Millard D. Peck, Herman youth, who was killed in action in Italy in 1943 but two days before his 20th birthday. The Rev. Robert Wigert, Methodist minister, officiated. Burial was in Blair Cemetery under direction of the Truhlsen Funeral Home of Herman. The Herman firing squad officiated and taps were sounded.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck, the youth was born on the Peck farm near Pleasant View School.

Enterprise 9 Dec 1943

(Photo) Millard Peck Was Killed In Italy Nov. 7

Makes Supreme Sacrifice On November 7. Stationed In Italy

Was Descendant Of Pioneer Stock

Word reached Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck, of Herman, last Thursday that their son Millard, had been killed in action on November 7. He had been overseas two months.

Millard Peck was born November 9, 1923, on the old Peck farm near the Pleasant View school. Here he grew to young manhood and attended the Pleasant View school.

Enterprise 27 Jan 1944

Plan Memorial Services For Millard Peck

Serviceman Killed In Action To Be Honored AT A. L. Service

Millard Peck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck, of Herman, who was killed in action on November 7th, while serving overseas, will be signally honored by a joint service of the Blair and Herman American Legion Posts.

The services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Legion Hall in Herman, and the public is urged to be present and do honor to one who gave his all for the freedom of his beloved land.

Deceased is a descendent of pioneer settlers both on his paternal and maternal sides, and it is altogether fitting that he should be honored. At his death he lacked two days of being twenty years of age, and had been overseas for two months.

Pilot Tribune 9 Dec. 1943

World War 2 KIA Italy

M. Peck Dies In Italy

Enlisted In The Army Last Spring His 20th Birthday Only Two Days Distant, Pvt. Millard Peck of Herman Was Killed In Action In Italy on November 7th.

Pvt. Millard Peck, 19-year-old Herman kid who enlisted in the U.S. army last March, died in the Italian war theatre Nov. 7, according to official notification received last Thursday by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck of Herman.

Killed just two days before his 20th birthday, Pvt. Peck had been overseas since Sept. No details concerning his death were mentioned in the war department communication. Pvt. Peck was born Nov. 9, 1923, attending Pleasant View school in Washington county. Following his enlistment in the military forces March 20, 1943, he underwent training at Camp Robinson, Ark. He was also stationed in Texas for a short time prior to receiving his overseas duty orders.

Surviving Pvt. Peck are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck, sisters, Lola and Nellie, of Herman; and a brother, Pfc. William Peck of Camp Mackall, N. C., formerly employed in Blair by the Gamble store.

30 Sept., 1948 - The Enterprise


The body of Millard D. Peck, who was killed in Italy March 3, 1943, while in the service of his country, was returned for home burial which took place last Sunday in the Blair cemetery.

Deceased was born November 9, 1923 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. and Dora Peck, now living near Herman.

The Truhlsen Funeral Home had charge of the burial, and the services were held at the grave side with the Herman American Legion conducting the ceremonies. The services were held at 2:00 o’clock Sunday.

Survivors are his parents and two sisters, Nellie and Lela Peck and a brother, William Peck.

Note: Find a Grave # 76903996

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 12/9/1943