Obituary Record

Hettie (Halstead) Stowe
Died on 5/11/1924
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Published in The Enterprise, May 15, 1924


Miss Hettie C. Halstead, a pioneer resident of Blair, passed away at her home in this city at 5:30 p.m., Sunday, May 11, after a lingering illness of four years.

The deceased was born in Ohio, March 22, 1870 and at the age of four, came with her parents to Blair, where she has since been a continuous resident.

On May 20, 1893, she was married to Mr. Austin Stowe, also a resident of Blair. To them, one child was born.

She has, for four long years, been a patient sufferer and many times her life has been despaired of and when at last death did come, it was only a relief from pain.

Besides the sorrowing husband and son, she leaves two brothers, Clem of Minnesota and George of Wisconsin and two sisters, Mrs. Wm Allen of Blair and Mrs. Chas. McManigal of Glenwood, Iowa.

The funeral services, attended by a host of friends, was held at the home on Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock and the body was laid to rest in the Blair Cemetery.

# 2 - - from The Pilot, May 14, 1924

Mrs. N. A. Stowe died at 5:30 Sunday evening of dropsy, following an illness of over a year’s duration. The funeral was held at the house at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, Rev. L. H. Camp officiating. the wealth of beautiful flowers and the large attendance at the funeral service showed something of the high esteem in which she was held by all who knew her. Hettie Hester Colista Halstead was born in Scioto county, near Portsmouth, Ohio, March 22nd, 1870, so was just past 54 years of age at the time of her death. She came to DeSoto, Nebraska, with her parents when a girl of four years and grew to womanhood there. She was married to Niles A. Stowe May 20th, 1893, having one son, Chas. E. Davis, of this city, by a former marriage. She is survived by her husband, one son, Chas. E. Davis of this city; two brothers, M. Clem Halstead, of Barnum, MInn., and George W. Halstead of Everett, Mich.; and two sisters, Mrs. C. W. McManigal of Glenwood, Ia., and Mrs. Wm. Allen, of this city.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 5/15/1924