Obituary Record

William C. Bree
Died on 5/14/1923


William C. Bree died at his home in Herman Monday, May 14th, 1923, after a lingering illness. The funeral was held at the Methodist church, Rev. Bowden officiating. The church was filled with old time friends of the deceased, some having known him since he came to this country a half century ago. The business in the village was suspended until the business men paid their final tribute to their deceased friend. Music was furnished by Fred Robertson, A.H. Smith, J.H. Johnson and R.H. Bovee with Mrs. E.P. Hansen at the piano. The pallbearers were E.W. Burdic, Gilbert Olson, L.V. Ackerman, J.P. Wachter, George Wachter, of Pender and J.D. Lowe.

William Charles Bree was born in Templin, Germany, August 19, 1837. He came with his parents to America at the age of 17, first settling in Wisconsin. He was married in 1860 to Anna Marie Morring. To this union three children were born. Of these only Mrs. William Adams survives, Emma dying in 1890 and Mrs. Louis Wachter in 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Bree came to Nebraska in 1867 settling on a homestead three miles north of Herman where they lived 29 years. In 1889 Mr. and Mrs. Bree moved to Herman where for ten years he was engaged in the implement and pump business. Thirteen years ago he retired from active work. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 5/23/1923