Since the death date was not given the newspaper article date was used. Published in the Tribune December 8, 1915
Patrick J. Connor, a former resident of Blair, died at this home in Omaha on last Friday and was brought to Blair for burial on Monday.
Mr. Connor was for a number of years a resident of Blair, living here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Connor now deceased. At the time of his death he was employed in one of the South Omaha packing houses where he held a good position.
Before taking this position he had served as fireman and later an engineer on the T.E. & M.V. Railroad.
He leaves a wife to mourn his loss but no children.
The following friends and relatives of the deceased from abroad were in attendance at the funeral; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gillespie, Steve J. Maher, Dan Kenney and Mr. and Mrs. J. Giblin all of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Keilty of Tilden, Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs. A. Heaton of Wahoo.