Obituary Record

Carl Otto Krogh
Died on 4/8/1931
Buried in Blair Cemetery

#1Pilot Tribune 16 Apr 1931

Carl Otto Krogh Dies on Wednesday

Came to Blair From Wisconsin in Year of 1878

Carl Otto Krogh was born in Kroghville, Dane County, Wisconsin, October 11, 1850, and passed away at the home of his son, Harvey last Wednesday evening. The deceased came to Blair in 1878 and later worked for a time in Omaha but returned to Blair where he was employed in the Castetter dry goods store. January 10, 1883 he was married to Clara Johnson and to this union four children were born, Harvey, Raymond, Edwin and Everett. Edwin died in 1896 and Everett passed away in 1924.

He was engaged in the mercantile business at Newman Grove and at Oakland but returned to Blair in 1899 and purchased the farm southeast of Blair. He operated a hardware store in Blair from 1902 to 1907 and also operated a grocery business in Omaha before he returned to Blair in 1909 when he built the home where his son, Raymond, now lives.

On November 15, 1910, he suffered a fall which left him a cripple for the rest of his life. After the death of his wife in 1911, he and his son Everett lived alone. He went about the house in a wheel chair taking care of his housework until six years ago when Everett died. Since that time he has made his home with the sons, Raymond and Harvey, the former having moved here from Canada to assist his father. Mr. Krogh was a patient sufferer for twenty years during which time his thoughts were to help others. He was very kind and his kindness will be well remembered by those who knew him.

Surviving him are his two sons, Raymond and Harvey, nine grandchildren, a sister, Caspara Lund of Glendale, Calif., and a large number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were conducted from the Church of God in Blair on Sunday with Rev. F. L. Austin of Oregon, Ill., assisted with prayer at the grave by Elder Alinus Adams of Omaha after which interment was made in the Blair cemetery.

Those from out of town attending the funeral were: Harvey Krogh, Jr., of Oregon, Ill.; S.T. Christiansen and son, Oliver, and Mr. and Mrs. Olay Solburg of Ottosen, Ia.; Curtis and Harold Bugeon of Kansas City; Mrs. A.K. Anderson, her son, Clarence and family of Wisner; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fulmer and daughter of Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Jensen and sons of Hamburg, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gustason of Schuyler; George Bolten and G.O. Qualset of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Will Burdie, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hansen and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harper, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Kjargaard, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Claar LeCrone and family, all of Omaha; and Mr. and Mrs. John Mehrens of Blencoe, Iowa.

#2-Krogh, Carl, 79

Exact date and place of publication of this article were not recorded


Blair, April 10-Carl Krogh, 79, an invalid for many years, was found dead in bed Thursday at the home of his son, Harvey. He had lived in the vicinity of Blair for nearly 50 years. Another son, Raymond, and several grandchildren survive.

#3-16 Apr., 1931 - The Enterprise


Carl Otto Krogh was born to Casper and Anna Krogh in Kroghville, Dane Co., Wis. Oct. 11, 1850 where he grew to manhood.

He came to Blair Nebr. in 1878. He worked for awhile in Omaha, later returning to Blair where he clerked in Dan Castetter’s Dry Goods store. He was married to Clara C. Johnson Jan. 10, 1883. To this union four children were born: Harvey, Raymond, Edwin and Everett. Edwin died in 1896 at Newman Grove, Neb., age 1 year; Everett died Dec. 31, 1924 at the age of 26 years.

For several years the deceased was in the mercantile business in Newman Grove, afterward in Oakland. He moved to Blair in 1899 at which time he purchased the farm south of town. He engaged in the hardware business here during 1902 to 1906, moving to Omaha in 1907 where he ran a grocery store for about a year, coming back to Blair in the spring of 1909, when he built the home where his son, Raymond, now lives.

On Nov. 15, 1910 he suffered a fall which left him a cripple for the remainder of his life. After the death of his wife on Oct. 31, 1911, he and his son, Everett, lived alone. He went about the house in a wheel chair doing his own house work until Everett’s death six years ago, when he moved to the home of his son, Harvey. Since then he has divided the time between the homes of his sons, Harvey and Raymond, the latter having moved from Canada that he might be near his father.

He died at the home of his son, Harvey, Wednesday night, April 8, 1931, aged 80 years, 5 months and 28 days.

He is survived by his two sons and their wives, nine grandchildren, one sister, Caspara Lund of Glendale, Calif. and a host of nephews and nieces.

He has been a patient sufferer, never really free from pain for over 20 years, during which time his thought has been to help others, and not to be a burden to anyone.

He became a member of the Church of God in 1916, having been immersed by Elder Almus Adams. His faithfulness to his Master has been an example worthy of emulation by all.

His bereaved people mourn deeply his sudden death, but their mourning is greatly consoled by the fact of his ever deepening hope in the soon coming of the Lord unto Salvation. Thus passes into memory a father who was the personification of love and kindness.

Funeral services were held at the Church of God on west Washington street, and were conducted by Rev. F. L. Austin of Oregon, Ill., assisted with prayer at the grave by Elder Almus Adams of Omaha.

Those present from out of town were: Harvey Krogh, Jr. of Oregon, Ill., S. T. Christianson, son Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Olan Solburg of Ottosen, Iowa, Curtis and Harold Burgeon of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. A. K. Anderson and son Clarence and family of Wisner, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fulmer and daughter of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jensen and two sons of Hamburg, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gustason of Schuyler, Geo. Bolton and G. O. Qualset of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Will Burdic, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hansen and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harper, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kjargaard, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Claar LeCrone, son and daughter, all of Omaha, Mr. and Mr. John Behrens of Blencoe, Iowa.

Interment was made in the Blair cemetery.

Note: Carl is buried in Block: 74 Lot: 10 Grave: 10 Blair Cemetery; Find a Grave #116205805

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Printed in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune on 4/16/1931