Buried in German cemetery, southern Washington County
Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Published in Pilot Tribune on 15 December 1969
Mrs. Mina Ohrt, 86-year-old resident of the Good Shepherd Home in Blair, died Tuesday, December 9th. Mrs. Ohrt was a resident of the Bennington area south of Blair.
She is survived by a son, Leroy of Caldwell, Idaho, two sisters and a brother. The sisters are Mrs. Katie Dornacker, of Fremont and Mrs. Roy Gordon, of Bennington. A brother, Hans Oft, lives at Ontario, Oregon. A daughter-in-law, Mrs. Eggert Ohrt, lives in Bennington. There are 8 grandchildren and 27 great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at St. John's Lutheran Church in Bennington, the Rev. Norman Schroeder officiating. The Hadan Golden Mortuary was in charge of interment in the German cemetery in the south part of Washington County.