Published in Hooper Sentinal, December 2, 1920
The funeral obsequies of the late Martin Fischer were held at the late home, ten miles east of Hooper, and in the Vacoma or Bell Creek Lutheran Church, Monday afternoon. Rev. F. C. Schuldt of Fontanelle conducted the services,, which were largely attended by the neighbors and friends of this highly revered man. Interment was made in the church cemetery.
The deceased, an old and respected settler of the Bell Creek neighborhood, was born in Saxony, Germany, on June 6, 1843, he thus having attained the age of 77 years, 5 months, and 20 days at the time of his death at one o’clock a.m. Friday, November 26, 1920. He came to America in 1865, locating in Nebraska, working as a farm hand. In 1873 he was married to Miss Marie Albrecht, and established his home on the farm which has been his residence ever since. Coming here in those days he went through all the troubles and anxieties incident to those days, and has lived to see this country become the country of plenty and prosperity. He was a good neighbor and friend and always ready to help those less fortunate than himself. His death is not mourned alone by relatives, but also by his neighbors and friends. He was the father of three children: Mrs. Ed Miller of Herman; Mrs. Henry Gosker of Blair; and Ernest, at home. These and the widow have the sympathy of their acquaintances during their bereavement.
Paralysis, which had been slowly but steadily coming over him, was the cause of his death. He had been an invalid for about nine years.
(A penciled notation reads: Vacoma Cemetery, Row 4, Lot 3; Died November 26, 1920)