Published in the Pilot September 19, 1895
Edwin Cook died on Thursday evening, Sept. 12, 1895, at 11 o’clock, in his 68th year.
Deceased was born in Champaign, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1828. In 1849 he went to Carter County, Kentucky, where on Feb. 3, 1852, he married to Miss Julia F. Downs. At the breaking out of the war her raised a company and mustered into the service as Captain of Co. “H” 22d Ky. Volunteer Infantry. He served one year in and around Cumberland, Tenn., under the late President Garfield, and in 1862 resigned his commission and removed with his family to Washington County, Ohio. Here he was elected Colonel of the 4th Regiment Ohio Militia and served during the famous Morgan raid. In 1865 he moved with his family to Harrison County, Iowa, and nine years later, in 1874, again removed to this city which has since been his home. Except that portions of the last three or four years have been spent in Florida.
With his twenty years and more of life here in Blair, he was not only widely known, but also most highly esteemed as a good citizen, an active enterprising business man, and one whose probity of character commended him to all.
He leaves surviving him the devoted wife and mother of his children, one daughter, Mrs. C. O. Lobeck, of Omaha, and Charles, Wesley J. and Ed F. Cook, of this place.
The funeral was held at 11 A.M. at the M. E. Church, services being conducted by Rev. Savidge of Omaha, assisted by the local pastor, Rev. Main. A profusion of floral offerings decorated the casket, and many friends followed the remains to a last resting place in the Blair Cemetery.
# 2 - - Also published in the Blair Courier September 19, 1895- (There are different dates. The information is typed as published in the newspaper article)
Mr. Ed. Cook, Sr., departed this life last Friday morning, September 18, after an illness of several weeks, at the age of 67 years.
Mr. Cook was born in Marietta, Ohio, in 1928 and came to Blair in 1874. He was one of the pioneers here and was loved and respected by all who knew him. He leaves a widow and four children to mourn the loss. Charles, Wesley and Ed F. Cook, the three sons reside in Blair, and the only daughter, Mrs. C. O. Lobeck, is a resident of Omaha.
Funeral services were held in the M. E. Church here Sunday morning, Rev. Savage of Omaha, officiating. Interment was made in the Blair Cemetery immediately following the funeral ceremonies.
The Courier joins with the entire community in mourning the loss of this pioneer settler and good citizen. Peace to his ashes.