Published in the Blair Republican November 27, 1902
Born out of the mundane into the spirit realm on the 11th of November, 1902, Hiram Craig, of Summerland, California, aged 71 years.
The birthplace of the deceased was New York State, but when quite young he came with his parents to the then territory of Nebraska and located in Calhoun Township, Washington County, which location became an incorporated city in 1854; and within said city limits the family made their home many years. Early in the fifties Mr. Craig went overland to California where he was fairly successful in the mines, then returned to Nebraska and invested quite largely in real estate, also in neat stock to some extent, but later and for many years he devoted most of his time to horticulture until he was at the head as a successful horticulturist in Nebraska. At the great centennial exposition in Philadelphia, also at the New Orleans exposition he was Nebraska’s fruit representative and wrought proudly in premiums for his adopted state.
For the last twelve years he had been failing in health and eight years ago sold part of his fine fruitery property in Nebraska and came to Summerland, California, with his family, consisting of himself and wife, accompanied by the undersigned. A few months after arriving in Summerland Mrs. Craig was taken severely ill with neuralgia, which was followed by her becoming permanently blind and these misfortunes swept away most all the property.
Mr. Craig became a spiritualist in the early fifties and continued a staunch friend and defender of the same to the last; and it being his wish that the undersigned, who has known him for thirty-five years, officiate at the funeral over his remains, the wish was lovingly carried out on the afternoon of Nov. 13th, 1902, at the Hospital Cemetery where the physical form was laid in its quiet resting place.
May the Father God protect and comfort the poor and sadfully blind wife of the deceased is the soul prayer of - M. E. Taylor, Santa Barbara, California.