Obituary Record

Marie Emma Craig
Died on 5/23/1905


Published in the Blair Democrat May 29, 1905

Ft. Calhoun, Nebr., May 29, 1905-Editor Democrat: -Mrs. Marie Emma Craig, widow of Pioneer Hiram Craig, entered the higher life Tuesday morning, May 23, at her home in Summerland, California. She was born in Smithville, Ontario, September 23, 1829. She and her husband spent about thirty years in Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska, and were well known throughout this county and state. She was stricken with blindness soon after their removal to California. Her interest in Nebraska friends was manifested by a dictated letter a fortnight ago. The funeral services were most fittingly and beautifully conducted by the noted spiritualist speaker, Mrs. R. S. Lilly-


Printed in the Blair Democrat/Courier on 5/29/1905