b. 23 June 1849 d. 2 June 1911
Kennard Enterprise 9 Jun 1911
Matilda Christina (Monson) Kronberg
Called to Her Home Beyond
Last Friday morning the community was shocked to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. Olaf Kronberg during the night at their temporary home on the farm four and a half miles northwest of town.
While Mrs. Kronberg has been in rather poor health for some time, yet there was no apprehension that her sudden off taking was imminent. It is supposed that the shock of the fire which destroyed their beautiful home rather hastened her demise.
Mrs. Kronberg was apparently in good spirits when she retired Thursday evening, having enjoyed the company of her sons from Kennard who spent the evening at the old place that night. At about 10 o’clock, just before they took their leave to return home, they all went to the place where the foundation and first floor of the new house was laid, where Mrs. Kronberg described to them the details of the new house and indicated her desires as to the location of the various rooms. During the night one of the daughters heard a strange heaving breathing sound and summoned help, but before assistance could be had Mrs. Kronberg breathed her last.
The funeral which was held Sunday afternoon from Grace Methodist Episcopal church, was conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Hiller, and was a very impressive occasion. The body was taken to the old home at the request of the family and was placed upon the platform where she had stood the last night, and the pastor made a brief address touching upon the character of Mrs. Kronberg as a home builder.
At the church the pastor took for his text 1 Corinthians 12:31, “And yet I show unto you a more excellent way.” The church was crowded to its utmost capacity and many were compelled to stand outside. Following is the obituary which was read at the funeral service: Matilda Christina Monson was born in Smaland, Sweden, June 23, 1849. Emmigrated to America 1870. Was united in marriage to Olaf Kronberg Nov. 9, 1875. Died June 2, 1911, survived by her husband, and six children, Olenus, Gustave E., Mrs. August Kempcke, Altenus A., Jeannette A., Odessa M. T. and two grandchildren. She was raised and confirmed in the Lutheran faith and so continued through life. Aged 61 years, 11 months and 10 days.
Interment Kennard cemetery.
Tribune 7 Jun 1911
Mrs. Olaf Kronberg
News was received in Blair Friday announcing the death of Mrs. Olaf Kronberg at her home near Kennard which came to this lovable lady at 3 o’clock on the morning of that day. Mrs. Kronberg was more than 60 years of age and for some time she has been troubled with heart trouble. About a month ago their home was destroyed by fire and it is thought the excitement she experienced at that time aided materially in hastening the end.
Mrs. Kronberg, who has lived with her husband in Washington county for more than thirty-five years, was well known over this section of the county, where she has many friends who will be grieved to learn of her demise. Mr. Kronberg settled on a farm near Kennard years ago and since that time has been one of the substantial citizens of his community. Here they reared their family of three sons and as many daughters, all of whom are living and who with the father and husband mourn her death.
Pilot 7 Jun 1911
Death entered the home of Olaf Kronberg, three miles north of Kennard last Saturday June 3rd, and took therefrom the beloved wife and mother, at the age of 61 years, 11 months and 10 days. She was a most estimable woman and will be sorely missed not only by her immediate family, but the entire community in which she had lived so long. Mrs. Kronberg was born in Sweden and came direct to Washington county in 1870. She was married in Blair to Olaf Kronberg in 1875 and for the past 18 years have lived on the present farm. Six children came to bless their home, three of them being now married and have homes of their own, while three yet remain beneath the parental roof. The funeral service was held at the M. E. church in Kennard, Rev. Miller officiating. Interment was in the Kennard cemetery.
Note: Buried in Blk 2 Lt 13 Sp 5.
Find A Grave Memorial# 26419908