Published in the Enterprise January 2, 1975
Mr. Frank Cushman died at Sonora, California, on Wednesday, December 18th at the age of 76 years.
He was born at Herman, Nebraska, on November 22, 1898 and was a heavy construction worker.
He and Mrs. Cushman lived at Jamestown, California for 20 years.
Survivors besides his wife, Rose, are three daughters, Norman Jean Cushman at home in California; Mrs. Thelma Cell of Lakewood, Colorado, Mrs. Donna Shank of Florissant, Missouri; and one son, Russell of Ventura, California. Also 7 grandchildren, a brother, Fred of Cloverdale, California and three sister, Mrs. Nels Pedersen of Herman, Mrs. Nelle Cowan and Mrs. Ruth Osburn of Blair.
Funeral services were held December 21st at the Henton Memorial Chappell at Sonora, California. Burial was in the Mountain Shadow Cemetery at Senora.