#1 Published in the Enterprise October 15, 1915.
The Rose Hill Cemetery records list his name as Smandel W. Cushman.
The death of S. W. Cushman occurred at his farm home, near Vacoma, in Grant township, on Thursday of last week, Oct. 7th. He was a native of the state of Maine and came to Nebraska and located on the place where his death occurred in 1868. He had lived far beyond the allotted span of life, lacking only a few days of being 83 years of age. He was married in the state of his nativity, before coming west; one daughter and two sons are still living, Thomas, the youngest, being at home. Deceased was a much respected and useful citizen, served for many years, beyond his inclination, as assessor of Grant township and was a member of the county board some years ago.
Funeral services were held at the home on Saturday following his death, Rev. George Smith, of Herman, preaching the sermon and the burial was in the Rose Hill Cemetery.
#2 Published in the Pilot October 13, 1915
S. W. Cushman was born in Morrill county, Maine, Oct. 18, 1832. He came to Nebraska Nov. 27th, 1868, and moved his family to this state Dec. 26, 1869, and settled near York Creek on a 160-acre tract of land, bought of J. C. Lippincott. Mr. Cushman was married to Nancy J. Clark, Febr. 2, 1862, at Rockland, Maine. To this union four children were born: Addie F., who was married to Henry P. Lamb, May 16, 1880, and died Sept. 2, 1883, Nellie G., now Mrs. Nellie Neff, living on a part of the home farm, Fred W., living on a part of the home farm, and Thomas, lived with his parents on the farm. There are ten grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mr. Cushman, with his wife, united with the M. E. church at Vacoma over thirty years ago. He was elected assessor of Grant township in 1883 and served in this position for twenty years. He also served as a member of the county board of supervisors for one term. He died at his home Thursday, Oct. 7th, being 82 years, 11 months and 19 days old. The funeral service was at the Cushman home Saturday, October 9, at 10 o’clock, Rev. G. A. Smith, of Herman, officiating. Interment was made in the Rose Hill Cemetery.