Three newspaper articles
# 1 - - Published in Enterprise on 17 November 1916
Louis Olson, an old settler of Washington county, aged 55 years, died at his home west of Herman after a long illness on Wednesday of last week, the 1st of November.
Deceased came to this county, when a small boy with his parents who located on land just this side of William Raver's place, on York creek. He was born in Wisconsin, his parents moving to Iowa when he was five years old, remaining there one year before coming to Nebraska.
His father, for whom he was named, died many years ago, but his mother is still living. His wife and four children, three sons and one daughter, survive him, all living near Herman, two sons and one daughter at the family home. Gilbert, Joseph and William are brothers. Mrs. E.A. Wachter and Mrs. Davis sisters, also living at or near Herman, and two other sisters, Mrs. Thos. Rosenbaum, living at Washington, D.C. and Mrs. Johnson near Craig.
# 2 - - Published in Pilot on 15 November 1916
After a long period of intense suffering, death came to relieve Louis Olson at 5:30 Wednesday evening at his home two and one half miles west of Herman. A year ago he was taken sick with what the doctors supposed to be rheumatism, growing rapidly worse until late in the summer when Dr. Cameron accompanied him to Minnesota to consult the Mayo specialists who pronounced it cancer of the spine. He was a patient sufferer and cheerful to the end. Louis Olson was born in Iowa Co., Wisconsin, Feb. 10, 1860, being 56 years, 8 months and 28 days of age. At the age of five years he came to Iowa state with his parents and lived there one year. The next year they moved to Washington county taking a homestead 5 miles south and west of Herman, where he grew to manhood. On Sept. 15th, 1883, he was married to Miss Martha Hansing. To this union seven children were born. He leaves to mourn his death his wife and four chldren, namely; Edward, who lives west of town, Clara, Freddy and Carl, who live at home, Laurence, Lyle and Guy who preceeded their father to the Great Beyond, also an aged mother, Mrs. Cornelia Olson, four sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Lula Davis, Mrs. E.A. Wachter, Gilbert, William and Joe, of Herman, Mrs. Julia Johnson, of Craig, and Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum, of Washington, D.C. Funeral service will be conducted at the Baptist church Saturday at 1 o'cloock, by Rev. G.A. Smith. Interment in the Thone cemetery. Herman Record.
#3 - - Published in Tribune on 15 November 1916
Louis Olson, after months of severe suffering, passed away at his farm two and one half miles west of Herman on last Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1916 at 5:30 p.m.
He was taken sick about a year ago with what the physician supposed was rheumatism but he grew worse and late in the summer Dr. Cameron accompanied him to Rochester, Minn., to consult the Mayo specialists who pronounced it cancer of the spine.
Deceased was born in Wisconsin, Feb. 10, 1860, and thus was 56 years past. He came to Washington county with his parents when he was six years of age, residing on a homestead five miles south and west of Herman where he made his home until grown.
He was married on Sept. 15, 1883 to Miss Martha Hansing and to this union were born seven children, four of whom are still living.
Mr. Olson was always considered as a good citizen and had the respect of his neighbors.
He leaves to mourn him besides his wife and four children and aged mother, four sisters and three brothers.
The bereaved family have the sympathy of a large community of friends.
After a lingering illness of several months during which he suffered constantly with what was at first supposed to be rheumatism but later proved to be cancer of the spine, Louis Olson died at his home west of here at 5:30 Wednesday, Nov. 8. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and four children, an aged mother, four sisters and three brothers, namely: Mrs. Lula Davis, Mrs. Tillie Wachter, Mrs. Julia Johnson of Craig, and Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum of Washington, D.C., and Gilbert , William and Joe.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Saturday afternoon at one o'clock conducted by Rev. Smith, and burial in the Rose Hill cemetery.
(There are many discrepancies in these three articles. We do believe they are all about the same man. Typed as printed in the newspapers.)