Obituary Record

George E (Doctor) Neuhaus
Died on 6/1/1938

Note: No death date was given, so a date of June 1, 1938 was used in order to input this record



G. E. Neuhaus Is Dead at 72

Notes Psychiatrist Held Creighton Post

Dr. George E. Neuhaus, psychiatrist, died of a cerebral hemorrhage in his office in the Medical Arts building at 11:25 Sunday morning. He was 72.

Dr. Neuhaus had been in good health, but was carrying a heavy schedule of work in connection with his practice and his teaching duties at Creighton university medical school, where he was assistant professor of nervous and mental diseases.

He visited his hospital patients early Sunday morning and went to his office to work. Suddenly taken ill at 10:15, he telephoned his wife at home, who summoned physicians. Failing to respond to emergency treatment by Drs. Lowell Dunn, J. K. Muldoon and C. Distefano, he died. Mrs. Neuhaus was present.

Surviving in addition to his wife, who was formerly Ruth Mozzor of Denver, are two daughters, Ruth 15, and Geisa, 12; his daughter by a previous marriage, Elizabeth, Dallas, Tex.; two brothers, Ludwig and Dr. Fritz of Berlin, and sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Jachman, Berlin, who visited the Neuhaus’s home at 402 North Thirty-eight street last summer.

Had Long Career

Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m., at the home. The body will be cremated.

Born in Berlin, son of a physician, Dr. Neuhaus came to this country at the age of 2 and entered Bellevue hospital medical college in New York from which (no more on the article).

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~