Obituary Record

John Aye
Died on 6/25/1965



John Aye, former Blair man who is remembered by many here, died at Sioux City, Iowa June 25th. He was 49 years old. He was a brother of Hans Aye, who moved from Blair recently to Neosho, Missouri.

The deceased was the son of the late Ed Aye, who many years ago was associated with his brother, John Aye, in the operation of a seed corn business in Blair.

John had been employed for 17 years by the Clinger Construction Co. of Sioux City, where he was yard superintendent for the company.

He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Lena Aye of Kansas City; a sister, Mrs. T.W. Wendell, of Chicago; a brother, of Renton, Washington; and a brother, Hans, of Neosho, Missouri.

Burial was in Sioux City June 29th.

Printed in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune on 7/12/1965