#1 Published in Enterprise on 16 October 1924
After a lingering illness of over a year, marked by severe and painful sufferings which were borne with great patience and fortitude, David William Osborn passed away at 10:30 A.M. Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1924.
Deceased was born in Smith County, where he grew to manhood and was married. Of his family of four children, three were born in Virginia before coming west.
He, with his family, came to Blair forty-one years ago and for a number of years he held the position of yard man in the McQuarrie and Wiseman lumber yard, now known as the Christiansen Lumber Co.
He was a carpenter by trade and after leaving the lumber yard, followed his trade as long as his health would permit.
He was a man of sterling qualities, honest and straght forward in his dealings and was a man well liked by those who know him.
At his death he was seventy-two years of age. He leaves to mourn his death his wife and three living children: Mrs. Amanda Price of Arlington, Mrs. A.B. Petersen of California and Charley of Chicago.
The funeral services conducted by Rev. McProud of the Methodist church was held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment in the Blair Cemetery.
#2 Published in Pilot on 15 October 1924
William David Osborn passed away at his home on east Front street at 10:25 yesterday morning, following an illness of some two years with Bright's disease. The funeral will be held at the residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow, Thursday afternoon. Rev O.U. Mc Proud officiating. Burial will be in the Blair cemetery. Mr. Osborn was born near Marion, Smith county, Virginia, May 15th, 1872, so was past 72 years of age. He grew to manhood in the old Virginia home and was married there to Miss Elizabeth Lyle at the age of 28 years. They made that their home for some seven years, when they came to Blair and this has been their home ever since. He was a carpenter by trade and was a good, conscientious workman. He was of a jovial disposition and had won many firends in his long life among us. He was one of the oldest members of the Volunteer Fire Department and only a few months ago he was given a veteran's button, of which he was very proud. Beside the widow he leaves three children, Charles, of Chicago, Mrs. A.B.Petersen of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. J.C. Price, of Arlington. He is also survived by three brothers, Jesse, of this city, and James and Grimsley Osborn, of Marion. Va.
#3 Published in The Tribune, 16 Oct., 1924
Mr. and Mrs. James Price were called to Blair the first of the week by the serious illness of Mrs. Price’s father, W. D. Osborn, who passed away Tuesday morning at 10:30. Funeral services were held this afternoon in charge of Rev. McProud. Mr. Osborn was born near Marion, Smith county, Virginia, May 15th, 1852, so was past 72 years of age. He grew to manhood in the old Virginia home and was married there to Miss Elizabeth Lyle at the age of 28 years when they came to Blair and this has since been their home. He was one of the oldest members of the Volunteer Fire Department and only a few months ago he was given a veteran’s button, of which he was very proud. Besides the widow he leaves three children, Charles, of Chicago, Mrs. A. B. Petersen of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. J. C. Price of Arlington. He is also survived by three brothers, Jesse, of this city and James and Grimsley Osborn of Marion, Va.
~~~ Obituaries courtesy of the Nebraska Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair, Nebraska Public Library ~~~
FindaGrave #117888899