Three newspaper articles
The exact death date was learned through a perpetual calendar.
(Note that the year of death is different in these obituaries, even though month and day are identical. Question: Are they the same person?)
(Of interest: A burial of James N. Harrison is recorded in the Herman Cemetery, the same name and initials as one of Mr. Harrison’s sons. Perhaps Mr. Harrison is buried in that lot and was not recorded.)
# 1 - Blair Courier, October 25, 1905
F. H. Harrison fell over dead last Saturday noon while eating his dinner at the home of his son, W. G. Harrison. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the house and was conducted by Rev. A. E. Marsh. Owing to his extreme age, 86 years, Mr. Harrison had not been out of his room for about twenty months previous to his death, but was comparatively well most of that time. He was born near Charleston, S.C., Sept. 25, 1819, and moved to Grayson county, Va. with his parents when a boy. They later moved to With county and he was married there. In 1858 they moved to Missouri where Mrs. Harrison died in 1864. In ’65 the family moved to Omaha and in ’70 they came to this county. Mr. Harrison lived on a farm south of town until 1883, since which time he has been living around with the children, W. G., Jim and Mrs. Thos. Dolan.
# 2 - - Blair Courier, October 25, 1905
(picture) no further text
# 3 - - Pilot, October 25, 1925
The death of F. H. Harrison last Saturday was not entirely unexpected, for his health for over a year past has been such that he could not leave his home. He was born at Charleston, North Carolina in 1819, went to Missouri in 1858, to Nebraska in 1865, and to Washington county in 1870. Of his six children, four survive him - - W. G. of Blair; J. N. of Herman; Mrs. Thos. Dolan and Mrs. Yates of Oregon. The funeral was held Monday and the last rites were performed on a man who had lived a long and useful life.
#4-26 Oct., 1905 - The Blair Democrat - F. H. Harrison
F. H. Harrison died at the home of his son, W. G. Harrison, in this city last Saturday and was buried Monday, Rev. Marsh officiating. Deceased was born near Charleston, South Carolina September 25, 1819, and in 1853 was married to Rebecca Hoffman. In 1858 they moved to Missouri where Mrs. Harrison died, and in 1870 the family moved on a farm south of Blair. The surviving children are W. G. Harrison, J. M. Harrison and Mrs. Dolan, all of this county, and among whom the deceased made his home since 1883, the past two years being spent in Blair at the home of his son, W. G.
(typed as printed in the newspapers)
Note: No burial records were located but the Vig notes at the Danish American Archives has it recorded that his burial was in the Blair Cemetery.