Published in The Enterprise, July 17, 1930
Clyde Biffar was born in Washington county, March 1, 1901 and was reared to manhood here. On March 15, 1922, he was married to Miss Blanche Hudleson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hudleson of this city and shortly after their marriage they moved to Lingle, Wyoming where they have since resided.
To them two sons were born, Donald, aged 7 and James, aged 5, both of whom are living.
Clyde was taken sick last April at his home at Lingle, where he was cared for until a short time before his death when he was taken to a hospital in Denver where on July 12th he passed away.
Besides the grief stricken wife and two small sons, he leaves to mourn him his aged father, N. T. Biffar and two sisters, Mrs. J.E. Miller and Mrs. Mary Peck and three brothers, Francis T, John J, and Lonnie, all of this county.
The body was brought to Blair on Tuesday night and taken to the Oliver Hudleson home. The funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at three o’clock from the Baptist church, with Rev. L. J. Moran officiating and interment will be made in the Blair cemetery.