Obituary Record

Tripletts (one boy two girls) Jepperson
Died on 7/15/1894
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

Birth: Jul., 1894; Death: Jul., 1894

Pilot Newspaper, Blair, NE 19 July 1894

Kennard Kullings 18 July 1894

Mrs. Hans Jepperson gave birth to 3 children Sunday night, one boy and two girls. They died shortly after they were born and were buried in the Kennard graveyard on Monday. At last reports Mrs. Jepperson was getting along nicely.

Note: Buried in Blk 2 Lt 32 Sp 5; Find a Grave # 26385360; No marker; Since the actual death day

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 7/19/1894