W. P. Cole, for many years a respected resident of Fontanelle, died at the Richmond hospital in Fremont on Tuesday, October 9th, following an illness largely due to his declining years. He was about 78 years old at the time of his death and has never been married. He purchased a modest home in Nickerson early this spring with the hope of improving his physical condition by being near a physician.
About two weeks ago he was stricken with a light stroke of apoplexy which made it necessary to take him to the hospital for better care, but his constitution became gradually worse until the end came on Tuesday. The funeral was held from the M.E. church in Nickerson on Thursday afternoon with Rev. Cox officiating. The remains were laid to rest in Oak Lawn cemetery south of town. The pallbearers were A.W. Sprick, E.H. Carpenter, A.W. Meyer, H.P. Wilkening, H.D. Schoettger and Robert Hunter.
another account, no newspaper listed:
W.P. Cole, 77, formerly of Fontanelle, but later a resident of Nickerson died at the Fremont hospital Tuesday, death being due to old age. Mr. Cole was well-known to residents of the western side of Washington county, having served as precinct assessor in Fontanelle township at various times.
Mr. Cole was a bachelor and, at the time of his death, lived alone in a residence in Nickerson, purchased by him to spend his declining years. As far as is known, he had no surviving relatives excepting one half-_________
(the remainder of the article is missing.)