Christensen, Petrine (Hansen) (Mrs. Thomas) 5/29/1933
Note: the birth place was an island and is Vindeballe Ærø Kommune Syddanmark, Denmark
Sources: Danish American Archives Library + a wiki search by the FindaGrave manager
1st obituary: printed in the June 1, 1933 Pilot Tribune, Blair, Nebraska
Rites Today for Mrs. Christensen
Husband and Two Sons Survive Woman Died On Monday
Mrs. Thomas Christensen, who with her husband and family had lived on a farm west of Blair since 1910, died at her home Monday, May 29th, at the age of 60 years, three months and 19 days.
Funeral services were held this (Thursday) afternoon at the First Lutheran church, with Rev. James N. Lund, the pastor, officiating. Burial was in the Blair cemetery.
A lifelong member of the Lutheran faith, Mrs. Christensen, as Miss Petrine Hansen, was born February 10, 1873, at Vindeballe, Aro, Denmark. She was married December 10, 1905, to Mr. Christensen, a short time after she emigrated to America, and for the next five years the couple made their home near Wisner, moving to their farm west of Blair in 1910.
To the union three children were born, one of whom died in infancy. Surviving Mrs. Christensen, in addition to her husband, are two sons, Karl and Erick. Also surviving is a brother, Nels Hansen of Hickman Mills, Missouri, a sister, Mrs. Hans Hansen of Kansas City, and several nephews and nieces.
At the funeral services a quartet composed of Dagny Nielsen, Viggo Carlsen, Viola Hansen and Alvin Carlsen sang a number of selections.
2nd obituary, printed in the June 1, 1933 Enterprise, Blair, NE
Mrs. Thomas Christensen Called
Petrine Hansen was born February 10, 1878 at Vindeballe, Aro, Denmark. She died May 29, 1933, at her home west of Blair, at the age of 60 years, 8 months, 19 days.
She immigrated to America 1905 and was united in marriage on Dec. 10, 1905 to Thomas Christensen of Wisner, Nebr., at which location they made their home until 1910 when they moved to their present home west of Blair.
To this union three sons were born, one passing away in infancy, the other two Karl and Eric who together with their father live to mourn her departure.
She was a life-long member of the Lutheran Church.
Funeral services were held at the First Lutheran church in this city at 2:00 o’clock this (Thursday) afternoon with Rev. James N. Lund officiating and interment made in the Blair cemetery.
~~~ Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska ~~~
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