The publisher of this newspaper article was not recorded but has a hand written date of March 1, 1923.
The first name and death date was established through the Kennard Cemetery records Bk 3, Lt 31, Sp4 which is next to Carl Hansen.
Mrs. Carl Hansen passed away at her home in this city early last Thursday morning. Mrs. Hansen was quite old and in feeble health for some time past, but was able to be up until the preceding Friday evening when she became suddenly worse. Everything possible was done for her but nothing availed. She leaves a husband, two daughters, Mrs. Henry Jensen and Mrs. Geo. Kuhr, and one son, Henry Hansen, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the house at noon and at the Lutheran church at 12:30 p.m., with Rev. Jas. Rasmussen in charge. Burial was made in the Kennard cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kuhr took the latter’s father, Carl Hansen, home with them last Saturday to care for him while he is ill with rheumatism.
Find A Grave Memorial# 26385248