Obituary Record

Clark Hansen
Died on 1/25/1962


Since the death date was not given the newspaper article date was used. Published in the Enterprise January 25, 1962


Word has been received in Blair that Clark Hansen, former Blair man, has died at East Elm, Missouri. East Elm is near St. Louis.

Mr. Hansen will be remembered as the son of the late L. C. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hansen operated a farm machinery store in Blair many years ago.

Mr. Hansen was the victim of cancer. He would have been 42 years old January 23rd.

He graduated from Blair High School in the class of 1937 and has been associated with the Shell Oil Company in the research department.

He is survived by his wife and children and by his mother, Mrs. L. C. Hansen, who lives in Minnesota.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 1/25/1962