Obituary Record

Christina A. (Mrs. Henig Hansen) (Frohm) Hansen
Died on 3/24/1910
Buried in Fort Calhoun Cemetery

Published in the Tribune April 6, 1910.

The Fort Calhoun Cemetery records and Find A Grave have her name listed as Christina A. Hansen. The cemetery headstone has her husband’s name as Heinrich Hansen and her name as A. Christina Hansen.


March 26, 1910, there was buried in the Ft. Calhoun (Nebraska) cemetery one of those grand German wives and mothers such as are constantly helping to make this land great. We have known her for years a real helpmate to her husband on the farm and the past few years in this city. Of her six children, only one survives, her daughter, Mrs. Henig Smith, who, with her husband and seven children, occupy the home farm.

Mrs. Hansen was born in Clova, Germany, 63 years and 8 months ago and married in 1871, coming to Nebraska about thirty-one years ago.

Rev. Hilkeman preached the funeral sermon in both German and English to a very large congregation in the Presbyterian Church. The minister and his wife sang the anthems, with their daughter, Elizabeth, at the organ. Her two brothers, Adolph Frohm of Newton, Iowa, and Henry Frohm of Davenport, Iowa, were present and also Otto Schroeder and wife of near Herman.

The pallbearers were all German friends and neighbors who had respected her for years and felt a deep sympathy for the family. There were Asmus Asmusen, Hans Schwager, Tim Ohrt, Peter Holst, Joes Bolln and Carl Miller. The flowers were unusual beautiful as they had been carefully selected for harmony and not, as usual, simply tossed together en masse.

Find A Grave Memorial# 18175551

Printed in the Tribune on 4/6/1910