#1-2 Mar., 1910 - The Pilot - Rasmus Hansen
Rasmus Hansen, who lives near the Danish church, died very suddenly last Saturday morning of heart trouble. His wife died last December. Their three children, Charley, Alma and Rasmus are left alone by this great loss, but have relatives living in Omaha and near Kennard.
#2-Published in the Kennard Enterprise March 4, 1910.
The death date was established through the Lincoln Cemetery records in Orum, Nebraska.
Mr. Rasmus Hansen, after an illness of only twelve days, passed away at his home near Orum last Saturday at noon. Funeral services were held at the Danish Lutheran of Orum last Tuesday and was very largely attended. At the time of his death he was 63 years old. Only about three months ago he lost his wife. He was a member of the Danish Lutheran Church of Orum and beloved by all. He leaves four children, two sons and two daughters. The Enterprise extends its sincere sympathy to the children in the loss of a loving and devoted father
Cards of Thanks - - We wish to express our thanks to our friends for the kindness and expressions of sympathy shown at the time of the death of our beloved father, and for the beautiful floral offerings. - - Chas Hansen; Alma Hansen; Rasmus Hansen; Mrs. Mary Hansen; L.M. Larsen
~~~Obituary courtesy of Washington County, Nebraska Genealogical Association; newspaper clippings on file at the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska
FindaGrave # 189724753