Two newspaper articles
#1-Published in the Tribune December 22, 1915
William Hass who was buried near his parents in Fr. Calhoun, Nebr., Cemetery, Dec. 12, 1915, was born in Pommem Germany in 1864, he came to the United States with his parents and four sisters in 1875 and for a number of years owned and farmed part of the old John Rathman farm and then with his mother had a nice home in the building he sold to Henry Prochnow. A couple of years ago he went back to the farm and after the death of his mother he went to Omaha where he died of pneumonia on Dec. 10. His four sisters are still living, and are Mrs. Tina Prochnow, Mrs. Bertha Thaden of this post-office, Mrs. Mrs. Ebener, of Omaha, and Mrs. Matilda Neuman of Douglas County. Mrs. Joe Bolln sang, with Mrs. Charles Rathjen at the organ, and Rev. Grahn, of Ponca Creek preached the discourse. W. H Schmidt, Edward Pfeifer, W. Bolln, Allen Segelberg, Gus Klindt and Otto Asmussen were the pallbearers. For years we have known William as a good natured man always with a smile and hearty handshake for his many, many friends.
#2 Published in the Enterprise December 1915
Fort Calhoun Chronicle
William Hass, a resident of this vicinity for more than forty years, died in the Lord Lister hospital, Omaha, Friday night, Dec. 10, 1915, pneumonia being given as the cause of death. Mr. Hass was in Calhoun Tuesday of last week and appeared to be in his usual health. While sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Omaha Wednesday he was suddenly taken sick and was removed to the hospital, where he died about forty-eight hours later. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Grahn were held in the Fort Calhoun Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon, and interment made in the Calhoun Cemetery. The pallbearers were Wm. Bolln, Al Seigelbert, Otto Asmussen, Gus Klindt, Ed Pfeifer, and W. H. Schmidt.
Find A Grave Memorial# 18175584