Article # 1
Enterprise 11 Feb 1937
County Pioneer Dies At Kennard
Peter Jorgensen, long time resident of Washington county and Kennard, passed away Thursday, February 4th at the home of Mrs. Emma Dixon, in Kennard, at the age of 81 years.
The deceased came to America from Denmark at the age of 29 years in 1884. He came directly to Washington county and settled at Kennard where he has been a resident throughout his entire life. For many years he was a member of the crew maintained by the Northwestern railroad at Kennard. He was a member of the Danish Brotherhood at Kennard and a member of the Lutheran church, in which faith he was baptized at an early age in Denmark.
At the time of his illness he had been sick but a few days. Had he lived until his birthday next May 31st, he would have been 82 years of age.
He leaves to mourn his passing one niece, Mrs. Bertha Nelsen, of Winside, Nebr., and one nephew, Hans Jorgensen, of Kennard. He had never married.
Article #2
Enterprise 4 Feb 1937
Peter Jorgensen, commonly known around town as “Pete Jern, has been taken ill with pneumonia. He was moved Monday to the Raymond Dixon home where he is under the doctor’s care. Mrs. Martina Davis, of Omaha, is taking care of Mr. Jorgensen as well as Mrs. Raymond Dixon, who is recovering from a broken back. Mrs. Dixon has shown much improvement the past week.
Article # 3
Pilot Tribune 11 Feb 1937
Peter Jorgensen Died Last Friday
Week’s Illness Fatal To Aged Resident of Washington County
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, February 8, at the Kennard Lutheran church for Peter “Jerrum” Jorgensen, 93, of Kennard, who died early Friday morning. Mr. Jorgensen had been ill for about a week with pneumonia, and died at the Ray Dixon home. The Rev. W. D. Smith was in charge of funeral services, and pallbearers were C. B. Hansen, L. M. Larsen, C. H. Nelsen, Peter Larsen, C. W. Hansen and Iver Willumsen.
Peter Jorgensen was born in Denmark May 31, 1844, and moved to Washington county in 1884. One year later he moved near Kennard where he spent the rest of his life.
Surviving the deceased man are a niece, Mrs. Bertha Nelsen of Winside, and a nephew, Hans Jorgensen of Kennard.
Interment was in the Kennard cemetery Blk 6 Lt 36 Sp 3
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~