Miss Anna Beemer, the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klindt and who was buried in the Ft. Calhoun cemetery, March 4, 1905, was certainly a worthy young lady. She was a member of the family for over twenty years and so close was the relationship that often she was taken for a daughter of the house and so intimate was she and Miss Dora that they were often called sisters.
Everything that the wealth of Mr. Klindt could do for her recovery was done; the same medical attendance and the same funeral rites he would have given his own daughter, and she was buried in the family lot. We believe there was the largest attendance we ever saw at a funeral in the church. Rev. Primrose officiated, assisted by the C.E. choir, with Miss Vaughan at the organ. The pallbearers were six young men who were very near her own age. The flowers were the rarest to be obtained at the Omaha greenhouses. The ladies of Ft. Calhoun lined and decorated the grave, and the Klindt family, the Beemer family and the young farmer, Mr. Rogert, near Herman, to whom Miss Anna was engaged, desire to express their thanks to all for kindness and sympathy shown.
The actual date of death was not listed.