Obituary Record

Naaman Pence Little
Died on 8/31/1971

Published in Pilot-Tribune, September 13, 1971


Naaman Pence Little, a native of the Decatur, Nebraska area and a resident of Blair since 1958, died at Memorial Community Hospital August 31st.

He was the father of Mrs. Harold Hall of 2171 Colfax Street of Blair.

Mr. Little was born September 27, 1881 on a Burt County farm near Decatur. He lacked but a few days of being 90 years old at the time of his death. He was the father of twelve children and the family made its home in and around Decatur.

Following the death of his wife in 1958, Mr. Little moved to Blair to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall. He was in good health until March of 1971 when he suffered a light stroke.

He was preceded in death by his wife and by one daughter, a brother and a sister.

Survivors include a brother, Roscoe Little of Tekamah; six sons, Robert of Lyons; Jerry of Sioux Falls; Roscoe of Rapid City; James of Philadelphia; Sam of Boulder, Colorado; and William of Denver, Colorado. There are five daughters: Mrs. Wm. McAllister of Decatur; Mrs. William Parsons and Mrs. Roland Method, both of Sioux City; Mrs. Ivan Paulsness of Rialto, California; and Mrs. Harold Hall of Blair. There are 47 grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren, and 7 great-great grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Little celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1955. Two years ago the family held a reunion and Mr. Little had the pleasure of seeing his eleven living children about him again.

Funeral services were held at the Decatur United Methodist Church on September 3rd and burial was made in the Decatur cemetery. The Rev. Glenn Kennicutt conducted the service.

The web-site, Find-A-Grave, lists his birth date as September 22, 1881

Find A Grave Memorial# 84178373

Printed in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune on 9/13/1971