Since the death date was not given the burial date was used. Published in the Tribune December 15, 1915.
Formerly Miss Blanche Ford was married to Mr. Henley, at Astelle, South Dakota, June 1, 1915. She was brought for burial in the Ft. Calhoun, Nebr., cemetery December 9, 1915. She was born Dec. 10, 1894 just east of this city, as her father was unable to come, her mother and other friends came from S. D. with the body. The Rev. Butter, of Florence, officiated in the Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Charles Rathgen and Mrs. Joe Bolln sang the anthems with Mrs. Elsie Cook at the piano; the pallbearers were William Hardy, Jr., Jep Skow, Mr. Scheiler, Abe Milligan, Chris Lund, and Will Bolln. On account of a severe accident her grandmother, Mrs. Hossack, of Florence, was unable to come, but her Uncle Robert White and other relatives came from Florence, among others who attended the funeral were her other grandmother, now, Mrs. Darvill with her husband, Mrs. Anderson, Miss Mable Stowe, Mrs. Friddle and other relatives of Douglas County as well as a number of former friends from this neighborhood.