#1-Published in the Tribune February 24, 1909
Mrs. Cornelia Hester died at her home on Wednesday, February 17, after an illness of upwards of six months. She was born in Johnsonburg, New Jersey, in 1851 and came to Mo. Valley in 1870. In 1872 she was married to Alfred Hester, and to this union ten children were born, eight of whom with their father mourn her loss. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian Church at ten o’clock Saturday morning and was attended by the members of the Eastern Star, of which lodge she was a member, and to this organization, the D. of H. and other friends the family desire to extend thanks for assistance rendered when the hand of affliction lay hard.
#2-24 Feb., 1909 - The Pilot - Cornelia (Dennis) Hester
Mrs. Alfred Hester died of heart trouble at about 11 o’clock last Wednesday evening after an illness of less than three weeks ending with six hours of intense suffering. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church at 10 o’clock Saturday morning, Rev. Hamilton officiating. A delegation from the Eastern Star, of which the deceased was a member, attended the funeral service in a body. Miss Cornelia Dennis was born in Johnsonsburg, N.J. Nov. 25th, 1851 and moved to Missouri Valley, Ia. with her parents in 1870. She was married to Alfred Hester at Modale in 1872 and came to Blair in 1881, living here ever since. Besides the husband she leaves seven daughters, Mrs. A. H. Linn of Mondamin, Ia.; Mrs. C. A. and Mrs. Geo. Linn of Fremont; Mrs. E. M. Terrell of this city; Cecil, Stella and Ora, and one son, Rama. Mrs. Hester was a quiet, retiring woman, devoted to her home, her husband and her children. Her death will leave a vacancy in that home that never can be filled and a sorrow in those hearts that can never be assuaged. The entire community joins in its expression of sympathy for the bereaved family.
Find A Grave Memorial# 115112494