Published in The Pilot, September 17, 1891
DIED - On Monday, Sept. 14, 1891, at the Soldiers’ Home at Marshaltown, Iowa, Hiram Loomis, in the 91st year of his age.
The people of Blair will remember Mr. Loomis as the aged veteran seen at times on our streets supporting himself with two canes. He was born on Dec. 26th in the year 1800, in Genessee county, New York.
A record of his early military service was given in The Pilot some two years ago. When the war broke out he enlisted in Co. D, 37th Iowa Infantry, and after two years serviced was discharged for disability.
He leaves surviving him four children, three of whom reside in this county, viz: Mrs. A. S. Armstrong, Mrs. S. E. Peck, and N. B. Loomis.
The old gentleman had for some time drawn a small pension, and but recently it was increased to $24.00 per month. His remains were taken to Belle Plain, Ill., for interment beside his wife in Irving Cemetery.
Pilot 28 Aug 1891
The Oldest Veteran
Mr. Hiram Loomis, a twenty year resident of this county, and at present a citizen of Blair, is reputed to be the oldest living veteran in the United States. He was born in Guyuga county, New York, on Dec. 31st, 1800 – the last day, month and year of the last century, and consequently should he live four months and two days from the date of this issue of THE PILOT, he will be 90 years old. He began military life at the age of twelve years – in 1812 – as a drummer boy, for the at that time popular “Silver Greys” of New York. At the age of 21 years and for four years thereafter – from 1821 to 1824 – he was captain of a company of the New York State Militia. In Sept. 1862, being then a resident of Iowa, and almost 62 years of age, he enlisted in Co. D. 37th Iowa Infantry, and served until July 1865, when by reason of his age and infirmities, he was discharged for disability. This is a record to be proud of, and if any other locality has a veteran with a better or more extended one, they should make haste to let the facts be known. The old gentleman is quite hale for one of his years, and may be frequently seen walking on the streets of Blair with a cane in either hand, and no one who sees him would for a moment suspect that he is over 65 or 70 years of age. He bids fair to be alive and active long after he shall have passed beyond his 90th birthday.
~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~