Camille Saltzman brings a request from friends that we give notice of the burial at Blair of this grand man. He was born at Dambach Alsace, France, May 24, 1827, came to New York in 1860 and married Mrs. Eliza Smith, July 11, 1866.
As a tutor in New York, he stood very high, having for his pupils members of the Vanderbilt and other distinguished families, where the Episcopal bishop (Clarkson) of Omaha found him and induced him to open a select school in Omaha. He also homesteaded just south of Kennard.
He was buried from the Blair Catholic church, Oct. 27, 1912, Father O’Driscoll presiding. The pallbearers were James E. Maher and Victor Wolff of Blair and A.J. and C. Saltzman of Ft. Calhoun.
The father of the Saltzmans and the professor were born in the same town and were boyhood friends, their friendship growing brighter after they both came to a strange land. Camille says: “I have known him ever since my early boyhood and he was one of the purest, most lovable of men, with charity towards all.” W.H. Woods
The exact date of death was not listed.