Sam Cheeley received word last evening of the death of his mother, Mrs. Robert W. Cheely, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Louis Hopkins near Elk Point, S.D. A year ago the 9th of April she suffered a paralytic stroke from which she never fully recovered. Last February another slight stroke was the beginning of her last illness. Sam was up Sunday and her condition was very critical at that time. The body will be brought here this evening and the funeral held at the Christian church at 2 o’clock tomorrow, Thursday, Rev. L.H. Camp officiating. Burial will be in the Blair cemetery by the side of her husband, who died February 1st, 1917, and daughter, Birdie, whose death occurred in 1918.
Nancy Lenora Jewell was born in Lincoln county, Mo., April 9th, 1846, so was just past 78 years of age. She was married in that county to Robert W. Cheely in 1869 and lived there for a number of years, when they removed to South Dakota, where they lived for seventeen years and then moved to this city.’
She is survived by three sons, Charles, of Hornick, Ia., Sam, of this city, and Wm. R. of Sioux City, and two daughters, Mrs. Louis Hopkins, of Elk Point, S.D., and Mrs. John Gardipee, of Tekamah. Mrs. Cheely had been a member of the Christian church since she was seven years of age and was a faithful Christian and church worker when her strength would permit. The many friends of the bereaved children extend deepest sympathy.
The name Cheely is spelled two different ways in the article.
The exact date of death was not listed.