Published in Pilot on 10 July 1905
The many friends of Dave Hogan will regret to learn of his death, which occurred last Tuesday at his home in North Loup, Nebr. Mr. Hogan was taken sick with typhoid fever, which developed or was followed by pneumonia. Six years ago he commenced the practice of medicine, in which he was very successful. He carried about five thousand dollars life insurance and leaves besides this an estate of about five thousand dollars. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and two small children, besides other member of his parents family. The Pilot remembers Mr. Hogan as a young man of sterling qualities and extends its sympathy to the bereaved relatives in their loss.
#2 Published in Blair Courier on 12 July 1905
We were very much pained to learn of the death of our old friend, Dr. David Hogan, on July 4th, at his home in North Loup, Neb. He had a siege of typhoid fever which turned into pneumonia and he was too weak to resist its ravages. Dr. Hogan is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hogan, of Sheridan township, and was a teacher in the county for some time. He studied medicine and has been practicing at North Loup for the past six years.
He leaves a wife and two small children in quite comfortable circumstances for he was a successful practitioner, though death came in the very prime of life. His parents are both living besides two brothers, Dan and Victor, and two sisters, Mrs. O.W. Athan and Miss Abbie Hogan, who is now touring Europe. The writer knew Mr. Hogan intimately and visited the great World's Fair at Chicago in '93 in company with him, Mrs. Athan, then Molly Hogan and Miss Lena Innes.
He was born on the farm near Admah Oct. 19, 1871, and was married March 26, 1901. He was an honest, upright, industrious and capable young man, such as the world can ill afford to lose, but Death is no respecter of persons, all must meet him sooner or later. The North Loup Loyalist says: "Too much cannot be said of one who lives the helpful, unpretentious life led by Dr. Hogan. He was a man whom one could safely trust to do the best he could do under all circumstances, and his death is deeply mourned not only by his relatives but by everyone who knew him. Four years ago he and his wife united with the Presbyterian church of this place, since which time he has been faithful to his duties, and at the time of his death he was superintendent of the Sunday School. He was a member of the I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W. and M.W.A. lodges, the members of these lodges attending his funeral in a body."
#3-13 July, 1905 - The Blair Democrat - Dr. D. S. Hogan
News of the death of D. S. Hogan at North Loup, Neb. on the 4th of this month has reached Blair. Dr. Hogan was a son of Pat Hogan who lives up in Sheridan township and was raised in that part of the county. The cause of his death was typhoid fever, and burial took place last Thursday at Scotia, Neb. A wife and two children, besides relatives and a host of friends are left to mourn his death. The Democrat is in receipt of a marked copy of the North Loup Loyalist containing a very extended obituary of Dr. Hogan, but space forbids our copying it as requested.
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